Original Documents

Hurlbut's intelligence report to Abraham Lincoln on southern politics.

Robert Hosea's brief to Abraham Lincoln on the reasons for southern secession.

Horace Greeley's Tribune publication of the report from its Charleston, South Carolina, correspondent on the reasons for secession.

Henry C. Carey's letters to Lincoln in 1860 concerning the tariff.

James Tallmadge's petition for an increase in the tariff on iron that he presented to the House of Representatives on December 29, 1817.

Harrison Gray Otis' letters to William Sullivan regarding the anti-slavery amendments to the Missouri statehood bill, the balance of power, and plans to further the anti-slavery conspiracy.

The address of the founders of the American Institute of the City of New York explaining the purpose as tariff agitation.

Lewis Tappan's circular letter of November 5, 1846, soliciting funds and support for an Washington, D. C. anti-slavery newspaper (The National Era)